Elementary News & Announcements
Elementary News & Announcements
Subscribe to RSS Feed for Elementary News & Announcements View ArchivesHey, Bobcats! Love pizza, then please consider stopping out to JoJo's Original Pizzeria on Thursday, October 3rd to support the WPA. Click HERE for further details. Thanks in advance for your support.
Hey, Bobcats! IT'S COOKIE TIME!!!!!! The WPA Otis Spunkmeyer Cookie Dough Fall Fundraiser kicks off today! Be on the lookout for sales packets to come home with your students today after school, and you can also check out all the details in the flyers below! This is always the WPA's biggest, most profitable fundraiser of the year which helps to support all of the amazing WPA events as well as many other school activities throughout the year, so please consider selling and/or buying some delicious cookie dough to support your Whiteford Bobcats.
Hey, Bobcats! Click HERE to view the Infinite Campus Annual Updates and Agreements Letter that will assist families in the annual completion of emergency contact updates and agreements. This process is required of all parents/guardians for each of their students, so please take a few minutes to complete this process. If you have any questions, please contact your building administrative assistant or principal for assistance.